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Bench Press Leg Raise Crunches For Lower Abs
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Two Exercises With a Twist For Rock-Hard Obliques and Explosive Core Power
Seated Les Raises - A New Approach To An Old Favorite
2 Dumbbell Swings For a "Steel Corset" Core
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Christian Finn's Facts About Fitness Member's Only Website
A Review By Amazing Abdominals.Com

Christian FinnFitness Science Fact, NOT
Fitness Science Fiction.

Christian Finn, A respected fitness expert and exercise physiologist from the UK, raised a lot of eyebrows in the fitness industry with his outstanding work on the Internet in 2004 and 2005. Men’s Health was so impressed with his members-only website, The Facts About Fitness, that they hired him on the spot to write for their new (printed) magazine, “Men’s Health Muscle” after just one look inside!

At Amazing Abdominals.Com, we were impressed too, so we asked Christian to come onboard with our team of writers as well! (And with very good reason)…

With the information and breaking research reports you can learn inside Christian’s website, men and women all over the world have saved themselves a small fortune on gimmick health and fitness products that have NO basis in scientific fact.

Perhaps even more important, you can improve your health status, fitness level and physical appearance while saving time in the process, because you will know better than to believe common fitness mythology or fall for the latest fitness fad.

On his website, Christian publishes thoroughly-researched, science-based fitness information, not advertising-based hype. He does provide his personal opinions, but they are based entirely on facts and logic so sound that Mr. Spock would be impressed.
Christian Finn, Men's Health Magazine Columnist
You might say that Christian is one of those "science geek" types, except that when you look at his picture, you can see that he’s no geek! He's got a set of abs that would rival any Men's Health Model. In fact, he's written for Men's Health and Muscle & Fitness magazines, he's an extremely well known fitness guru and TV personality in the UK... plus he's got advanced degrees in exercise physiology.

What Christian does to provide this valuable information to you is he spends countless hours scouring Medline and libraries for all the latest research, he studies the scientific journals, and then he translates that cutting-edge research information into language you can understand. Then he posts all his new discoveries in the member's only section of his website so as one of his private members, you can be one of the first people “in the know.”

Christian Finn, Men's Health Magazine Columnist This isn't scientific gobbledygook that confuses you or bores you to death - it's more like "fascinating and practical tips and techniques" that you can quickly and easily use in the gym (or at home or in the kitchen), to help you gain more muscle, lose more fat and become as healthy as you can be. Best part: you get instructions and advice from an expert who is not only a tireless researcher, but has also worked hands-on with hundreds of personal training clients for over a decade!

Another great thing about this site is the way Christian covers such a broad range of topics. Fat loss, sports performance, flexibility, disease prevention, nutrition, supplements, muscle building, and a lot more – it’s all there. Here’s a sample:

  • How to quickly know the difference between the "good" and the "bad" carbohydrates (the glycemic index doesn't get it right every time)...
  • Jump start your sex life and muscle growth by raising your testosterone levels safely and naturally, all by making a few small changes to the food you eat. Low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets are not the answer!
  • What every man should know about a popular "health food" that actually cuts your testosterone levels...
  • How to flatten your stomach and lose the love handles - even get a six-pack - with a simple 31-minute workout that literally forces your body to burn more fat for two days after you've finished it...
  • The popular vitamin you should n e v e r, ever take after exercise...
  • How many calories can you eat and still lose weight? You'll know in a minute with this simple formula...
Almost everyone you know is always looking for some extra edge or some little "tweak" they can make to their workouts or diet plan to increase their results. Most people are constantly asking, "What’s new"... "What’s the latest trend"... "What’s on the cutting edge of nutrition and exercise science this month, this week, even today, this very minute?"

Think how great it would be to know there's someone sifting through all the latest research and consumer reports on your behalf... while you simply sit back, relax and pick up the information on the Internet.

That’s one of the reasons we like Christian so much. We’re lazy! We don’t have to go to the library anymore because we let Christian do all the work for us, and then we “borrow” the latest exercise and nutrition research findings straight from him! (and we get it in plain English, not “science geek-speak!”)

With Christian's information, you can get answers to your questions based on science, so you don't have to doubt the validity of the source. You know what you’re reading is not just an advertisement for the latest supplement, which is often exactly the case when you get your information from most of the popular fitness and bodybuilding magazines these days (because the supplement companies OWN the magazines!)

Christian Finn, Men's Health Magazine Columnist Christian Finn is definitely one of the "good guys" in an increasingly confusing (and corrupt) health and fitness industry, and we here at Amazing Abdominals.Com are pleased to recommend and support his excellent work without reservation. If you want the latest news, research and cutting edge “insider” reports so you can get healthy, get lean, and get fit, look no further than Christian's outstanding website:


The Editors of Amazing

PS. Christian also offers a "Mentor Membership" where members of his site get exclusive access to their very own personal question and answer service. With this option, Christian will be at your beck and call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. For this kind of service, you'd normally expect to pay at least hundreds of dollars a year (some of our writers here at Amazing Abdominals.Com charge thousands for similar services and upwards of $250 per hour for phone consultations). A typical answer to a question using the Google Answers service usually costs around $15. Ask just one question a week, and that will cost you over $700. This is an exceptional value, but we have to predict that Christian will literally be forced to shut down this option sooner or later or at least increase the price dramatically now that he’s becoming so popular on the internet and he has been featured regularly in Men’s Health magazine and even on TV shows such as Bravo. This is something you’ll want to consider (quickly) if you’re looking for personal advice from a trustworthy fitness expert.

Here’s the link to the website again, where you can get the details:

Click here for Christian Finn's FACTS ABOUT FITNESS website

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