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Lose Belly Fat - Get "Stacked"
By Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFS
Neuro Metabolic Fat Loss Expert

Lose belly fat fast To lose belly fat fast through exercise is easy. It comes down to the following principle: Systemic Fat Loss.

What is "Systemic Fat Loss"?

In order for you to reap the benefits of systemic fat loss and lose belly fat fast, you’ll need to raise your overall metabolism semi-permanently through choosing your exercises properly and doing your workouts at the right frequency.

By creating a ‘metabolic effect’ from your workout, you are temporarily raising your metabolism for 2-3 days. Should you exercise during this time period, your metabolism is temporarily raised often enough to begin to ‘trick’ your body.

Once you have maintained a higher metabolic effect from your workout for 4-6 months, your body re-adjusts and you have a ‘metabolic shift’ that takes place. Essentially, you now have a higher metabolism.

Systemic fat loss workouts need to incorporate the following, which in turn will help you lose belly fat fast :

• 3 Energy System Training
• Progressive Exercise Programming
• Triple M Method For Rapid Fat Loss

3 Energy System Training:

The three energy systems in your body are: ATP-PC, Anaerobic, and Aerobic.

Training all three energy systems involves a bit of sprint/power work in the beginning of a set, fast-paced anaerobic exercise for up to a minute on an exercise, and longer than 1-2 minutes of prolonged heart rate response. The first two energy systems (ATP-PC and Anaerobic) thrive on sugar for energy. This stems mostly from simple sugars and carbohydrates. Your third energy system, or aerobic, thrives on oxygen.

By training all three energy systems, you are depleting your body of all energy sources to your fullest capacity, meaning that your body will require the use of more energy to recuperate. In order to replenish the supply of oxygen in your muscles, your heart has to pump blood out to your muscles, they have to first eliminate the lactic acid production, and then they can relax neurologically before accepting more oxygen into an already cramped space. Each step costs energy, or calories.

Your body works harder and burns more calories for 2-3 days after you exercise when you train all 3 energy systems.

Here is an example of a giant set that incorporates all 3 energy systems:

Progressive Exercise Programming:

Exercise skill and intensity levels should progress over time. This eliminates any chance of boredom with your workouts or plateau taking place, which is very important. Unless your exercise program is constantly progressing in nature, you are significantly more likely to get bored and quit exercising. The longer you maintain your commitment, the harder and more appealing your body is going to get and you will lose belly fat very fast!

Progressive exercise programming, however, does NOT mean that you need to spend more time in the gym. I’m frequently asked how long I work out in order to get this level of results... I get this question all the time.

A Typical Dr. K Workout:

Including a 15-20 minute warm up, 35-55 minutes/workout, 4 days per week. I like to get outside and do stuff on top of this, but I don’t always. That’s mostly because I just enjoy moving... but, then again, I’ve constantly been progressing, and I’ve been at this for awhile now :-)

Here’s an example of a progressive lunge sequence:

The Triple M Method For Rapid Fat Loss is best explained by watching this video.

In the video above, you’ll learn about:

1. Multi-Planar Movement - the # way to avoid injuries and completely shock your metabolism.
2. Muscle Balancing - carving out your body to look and feel ‘just right.’
3. Movement Complexes - stacking the right exercises together to create systemic fat loss and lose belly fat fast.

If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Kareem Samhouri (Dr. K), you can grab over $400 of FREE fitness gifts by clicking right here.


About Dr. Kareem

Dr. Kareem Samhouri specializes in helping people around the world reduce bodyfat and improve joint health at the same time. Dr. K, as he is affectionately called by his patients and clients, has spent time in over 19 different countries, lived with 2 different families abroad, achieved fluency in Spanish, speaks conversationally in Arabic, and has studied multi-cultural sociology. He believes that geographical and socioeconomic barriers no longer need to exist for good health.

In the fields of Physical Therapy and Personal Training, Dr. Kareem is well respected as the authority on ‘Neuro Fitness,’ emphasizing that your central nervous system can assist in communicating with your body for faster and longer lasting fitness results. Fortunately, the language of the CNS is universal, and it can be applied to people all over the world, independent of their particular living situation or workout environment. Through proper communication and cultural sensitivity, Dr. Kareem intends to offer a new solution for fitness, one that allows for individual differences and societal incongruences.

Dr. Kareem has had the pleasure of working for some of the top rehabilitation facilities and sports gyms in America. He is the founder of the Master Therapist & Master Trainer Certification, owner of Global Fitness LLC - Physical Therapy & Personal Training, the NBC Philadelphia’s 10! Show Fitness Expert, and he is the founder of Bucks County’s first Medical Mastermind that strives to unify medical minds in Bucks County for improved healthcare. By the age of 28, Dr. K has already authored six books, created a workout-at-home DVD series, and educated over 10,000 fitness professional on how to bridge medicine and fitness through proper communication strategies with medical professionals in their communities.

Dr. Kareem strives to help people around the world by assisting them with their fat loss and rehabilitative goals. His programs are well recognized as the best programs for “getting rid of pain and fat” as fast as possible. He utilizes advanced physical therapy concepts to exploit how your nervous system works and help you get results as fast as humanly possible. Check out his great books at:
Double Edged Fat and

Fat Loss Transformation Program

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